Rén with the Mane beguiles with the sultry indie-pop of “Burnin”

Rén with the Mane beguiles with the sultry indie-pop of “Burnin”

“Burnin” – which sits firmly in the indie-pop camp in terms of genre – plays with hesitance throughout its duration. Muted guitar and taught percussion support Renée Orshan’s gorgeous vocal performance, erupting into a better-late-than-never climax around the three-minute mark. In anyone else’s hands, waiting this long could be a mistake, but Orshan’s meticulously calculated songwriting creates a tectonic slow-burn that’s utterly satisfying in its unhurried build and release. Take our word for it: it’s hot.

“I’ve been listening to a lot of Maggie Rodgers and Big Thief lately,” Orshan explains of the inspiration behind “Burnin”. “Their organic sounds and unique vocal inflections are so addicting to listen to. Brandon [Bost, producer] started ‘Burnin’ off with a beat hitting the top of his acoustic guitar and that set the organic tone for the rest of the tune. I’d say its my favorite track we’ve done together thus far.”


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